Chronicle Keepers The Dreaming Garden Game

Review: Chronicle Keepers The Dreaming Garden Game The Dreaming - the fourth studio album of British singer Keith Bush recorded in 1981 and released on September 13 1982.  The first album that Kate Bush produced independently.
The Dreaming is unique in that it includes a variety of styles of music.  This is the first album in which the computer synthesizer Fairlight CMI was used.

Chronicle Keepers The Dreaming Garden Game Overview:

As in other albums in The Dreaming some songs were recorded under the influence of films books and events in the song "There Goes a Tenner" there are references to old films in the genre of detective "Pull Out the Pin" describes the Vietnam War  The Dreaming "tells about the plight of indigenous Australians in" Houdini "it is sung about the life of the famous illusionist Harry Houdini" Get Out of My House "was written under the influence of Stephen King's novel" The Shining "(this film was based on the same story).  The rest of the songs tell the story of Kate Bush herself.

The Dreaming was Kate Bush's first album which entered the Billboard Top 200 mainly due to the growing influence of student radio.

The cover of the album depicts the scene described in the lyrics in the song "Houdini".  In the picture shown Bush plays the role of Harry Houdini's wife holding in his mouth the key that she is about to give to her husband.

David Gilmour a musician from Pink Floyd sang along with the choir in the song "Pull Out the Pin".
Chronicle Keepers The Dreaming Garden Game
Chronicle Keepers The Dreaming Garden Game Chronicle Keepers The Dreaming Garden Game Reviewed by Admin on April 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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