Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Game

Review: Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Game process Unlike the first game of the series which uses first-person view in this game the main characters - Holmes and Watson - seen from the outside.  Traditionally only the genre of three-dimensional characters while the static location (in the next game "The Secret of Cthulhu" it was done in 3D).  Present classic inventory and notes from interviews and records handy map to navigate caused by pressing "space."

Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Gameplay:

The Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Game gameplay involves moving on the locations the research evidence dialogue with the characters.  To investigate Holmes supplies and special items a magnifying glass tape measure and a flask the need for which the great detective sometimes suggests the phrase "I need something ..." (English �I need something ...�.).

The game is divided into five levels.  At the end of each player is invited to pass a quiz on events occurring using Holmes' records.

October 1897.  Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson invited Sherringford Hall (Eng. Sherringford Hall).  The owner of the estate Melvin Bromsbi (Eng. Sir Melvyn Bromsby) wants to tell the important news about his construction business guests but is dealt the fatal shot for him.  Sherlock decides to investigate the murder before the arrival of the police and together with Watson solves the strange mysteries of each of the suspects including the young daughter of the deceased.
Reviews and evaluations

"Gambling" called quest rather boring and consisting of stamps about the great detective but praised the technical execution of the project and has assigned the rating of 7.5 out of 10 1.

Absolute Games website said rather "enticing but simple" story and responded negatively to repeat the mistakes razrabotchki - too frequent revisit locations.  However the game has received more rave reviews than its predecessor Mystery of the Mummy 2.
Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Game
Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Game Sherlock Holmes The Secret Of The Silver Earring Game Reviewed by Admin on February 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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