Conan Exiles Game

Conan Exiles Game from Funcom company. Players will see mounts, battle with other players (which can cut off various parts of the body), the construction of buildings, sacrifices to the gods, craft, farming and hunting animals. You will be able to explore the open world, full of adventures and dangers. In addition, we expect mul'tilpeernyj and single modes, as well as support for private and public servers.

Conan Exiles Game Overview:

In Conan Exiles there are tons of different weapons, and each of them has its pros and cons. That is why many players now are trying to figure out what is the best of them for battle. At the beginning it is best to use a one-handed sword. However, how durable it will be depends on the material you choose for crafting, so don't be lazy and do it. One-handed sword can dissect, and has good speed attack, which makes it a perfect against enemies.

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Also there are alternative in the form of two-handed weapons. Its advantage is the ability to send the opponent down, that gives you extra time for a few good strokes. However, two-handed weapon much slower, so you need to take that into account.
Conan Exiles Game
Conan Exiles Game Conan Exiles Game Reviewed by Admin on February 15, 2017 Rating: 5

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